Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries continues to expand and grow our ministry in many ways. We love to offer our services to our guests, campers, and friends.
Sullivan Hills Camp and Carol Joy Holling Center are both great places to spend some time, meet new friends, experience new adventures, and enjoy beautiful scenery.
Our vision is to live out faith in ways everyone can feel they belong and are unconditionally loved by God. We want all people who come to our camps to feel welcome, and one way we accomplish this is with the help of many gracious volunteers.
A group of volunteers share their time at our Swanson Retreat Center at Carol Joy Holling Center. These volunteers are the smiling and helpful faces when our guests come to check in for a retreat or attend a meeting.
If greeting and hosting aren’t for you, there are many volunteer opportunities available:
Count, measure, and photograph all quilts for the annual Quilt Auction
Prepare mailings by sorting, stuffing, and stamping envelopes
Pray for our Summer Ministry Team and send encouragement throughout the summer
Mow, trim, pull weeds, and help with other buildings and grounds projects
Recently, I asked a couple volunteers if they would encourage others to volunteer at NLOM.
“It’s been one of the most satisfying experiences in my retirement,” one told me. “It gives me flexibility that I need now and still provides me with fulfilling work.”
Another shared that they appreciate that there are so many things to do, and it’s satisfying to help others have fun and grow.
If any of these opportunities sound like a good fit for you, we’d love to have you! And, you’re welcome to bring a friend, small group, or church group with you.
To learn about current volunteer opportunities visit or contact Lisa Stirtz, Volunteer Coordinator, at or 402-944-2544.