Real People. Real Impact.
Your gift fuels stories of hope, growth, and transformation—making faith alive. Join us in creating a lasting impact today.

Other ways to give
In person
We’d love to see you! Stop in at our office anytime.
27416 Ranch Road, Ashland, NE
To make sure we are there to greet you properly, let us know you are coming!
By mail
You can mail your gift to:
Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries
27416 Ranch Road
Ashland, NE. 68003
By phone
Give us a call at 402-944-2544, and ask for anyone on the Development team!
Ways to Give:
Monthly Giving
Fire Starters
An inspiring group of consistent donors, Fire Starters encourage others to provide support for Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (NLOM) through ongoing gifts. When you give in this way, you provide regular and consistent income to help NLOM kindle the faith of our campers.
What your recurring gift will do for NLOM:
$10/mo. – Provide sno kones, friendo string, or game supplies
$20/mo. – Provide a cook-out meal
$35/mo. – Help a child attend camp
$110/mo. – Care and feed for a horse
$300/mo. – Sponsor a Summer Ministry Team member
Sign up to become a Fire Starter by making a recurring donation today!
When you join our NLOM Fire Starter Sustaining Donor Club, you’ll receive a walking stick as a gift from us.

Gifts of Grain
Blessings by the Bushel
In 2011, God planted an idea and in no time, Blessings by the Bushel was formed. The children served by NLOM are reaping the benefits of farmers’ gifts of grain. This generous sharing of corn, wheat, and soybeans has produced an amazing harvest by helping more young people have the opportunity to attend camp. Blessings by the Bushel is connecting NLOM with Nebraska’s agricultural community in an amazing way. We invite you to join us by making a life-changing gift!
Cash Donation Grain Donation

We find the Blessings by the Bushel program to be an easy way to give to camp that benefits so many youth. It’s so easy to drop off bushels in the NLOM account at the elevator and in turn, hear stories of the young people whose lives are being changed as campers. We get so much joy out of hearing that these same campers come back as college students to serve as Summer Ministry Team members and, for some, find themselves called into ministry for life as pastors. It’s a big win when you see what a few bushels can do.”
Les & Jolene Jessen
Reasons to Give
Beyond the tax advantages, there are many reasons to make a commodity gift to NLOM.
- Invest in the potential and promise of our young people.
- Support the local community by raising strong, faithful leaders.
- Develop younger, more enthusiastic members of your congregation.
- Enable NLOM to reach children and teens through relevant programs.
- Increase the number of young people who are able to attend camp.

How it Works
- Download and fill out the Gift Form and send it to NLOM via e-mail to, fax to 402-944-2544 or mail to 27416 Ranch Rd. Ashland, NE 68003.
- Check the list of participating elevators below to make sure yours is on the list. If not, contact us and we’ll get one set up.
- Transfer the grain into the Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries account at your elevator.
- Call us at 402-944-2544 or e-mail to inform us that you have transferred your grain into our account.
NLOM will sell your grain and send you an acknowledgement of your donation.
Meet Our Participating Elevators
ADM Corn Processing Ag Partners Ag Valley Cooperative AGP Grain Cooperative Agrex, Inc. Agri Coop All Points Cooperative Auburn Elev. Co. Aurora Cooperative Bartlett Grain Battle Creek Farmers Cooperative Bauer Elevator, Inc Belden Grain & Feed Bow Valley Elevator Bridgeport Ethanol Cargill Carroll Feed & Grain Central Valley Ag Coop CHS Agri Service Center Circle E Grain Clark Grain Co. Coleridge Grain & Feed, Inc. Cooperative Producers Inc. (CPI) Cooperative SupplyCornhusker Energy Country Partners Coop CPI |
Cornhusker Energy Country Partners Coop CPI Crofton Elevator Crossroads Cooperative Assn. DeBruce Grain Co. Dixon Elev. Co. E Energy Adams Erickson Feed Falls City Grain Co. Farmers Coop Farmer’s Cooperative Farmers Cooperative Association Farmer’s Grain & Livestock Farmers Pride Farmers Ranchers Cooperative Foster Elevator Frenchman Valley Coop Frontier Cooperative Co. Gavilon Grain/Peavey/DeBruce Hartling Elevator Henderson Coop Hi-Line Coop Husker Ag JE Meuret Grain Co. KAAPA Ethanol |
Planned Giving
Our heritage society, Club 10:14, honors caring people who are helping us fulfill our mission of ministry to people of all ages by remembering NLOM in their estate plans. The name Club 10:14 comes from Mark 10:14 where Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Lutheran Giving
Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries relies on the assistance of Lutheran Giving, a professional estate planning resource for our donors to use at no cost. The office of Lutheran Giving is made possible by the Nebraska Synod and its agencies and institutions in partnership with the ELCA Foundation.
Are you WILLing? As a Christian, you are the caretaker of the unique God-given gift of life. You have rejoiced in your talents by being a lifelong steward. The distribution of your estate is the last witness of your faith. You can continue your Christian stewardship by providing for the work of the church long after your life ends.
Estate planning can take many forms. Our Special Gifts Officer, Dave Coker, can help you get started with getting Lutheran Giving brought into your plan.
To include NLOM in your estate, our organization name is Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries, Inc. and our EIN is #47-0488319.
For more information about stewardship in your estate planning, contact Jacob Spilker at or 402-944-2544.
The most common planned gift is a bequest through your will or trust. Bequests can include a specific amount or piece of property, a percent of your estate, the residual of your estate or a contingency (if the donor outlives the heir).
One of the most tax-efficient charitable gifts is a remainder from your retirement account as your charity is not required to pay taxes on the remainder as your heirs would. You can also include your charity on beneficiary designations for life insurance, annuities and brokerage accounts.
A gift that provides a fixed annuity payment for one or two lives with the remainder to charity. Annuity rates range from 5.7% for a 65-year-old individual to 10.1% for an individual who is 90 or older.
A gift that pays out a fixed rate or fixed amount over your lifetime and additionally to heirs at your death if desired, with the remainder going to your charity(ies). A Charitable Trust may increase current income, bypass capital gains taxes, and provide an income tax deduction.
A gift that pays an income stream to your charity(its) for a period of years then passes a large asset, at a reduced tax consequence, to your heirs.
Certain property, or a portion, can be given to charity allowing you to reduce or avoid capital gains taxes, receive a current tax deduction and provide much-needed funding for those in need.
“We were both raised with wonderful examples of legacy giving in our lives. This is why we have chosen to support several organizations, including NLOM, in our estate planning. It is just one way we can continue to support these ministries long after we’ve become among the ‘great cloud of witnesses’.”
Bishop Scott and Deacon Kristin Johnson

Get Creative:
Alternative Giving
There are a number of other ways to give to NLOM creatively. Check out the information below on Thrivent Choice, Thrivent Action Teams, and TAGG!
Thrivent Choice & Action Teams
Thrivent Choice is a program through which members can designate their available Choice Dollars toward various organizations, including Carol Joy Holling Camp and Sullivan Hills Camp. If you are a Thrivent policy holder or hold a volunteer leadership position, just follow these simple instructions and you can designate your Choice Dollars. Thank you for thinking of us.
On the Internet
- Go to the Thrivent website and sign in with your username and password or register for an account in the upper right hand corner of the page.
- Once you have signed in, select the “Direct Choice Dollars” button for Thrivent Choice in the right hand side.
- In the middle of the next page, type in “Carol Joy Holling Camp,” or “Sullivan Hills Camp.” in the “Organization Name” box (nothing in “City”) and click search.
- Next to our camp name, click the “Direct Now” button. You will be able to assign all or part of your choice dollars to us.
- Click the “submit button” and your Thrivent Choice Dollars will be sent to our ministry. You are able to designate once there is $5 or more accumulated.
Over the Phone
- Call 800-847-4836.
- Follow the prompts that are given.
- You will be asked for the last four digits of your Social Security number, then you will be sent through an automated operator system.
- Our camp is listed as “Carol Joy Holling Camp,” or “Sullivan Hills Camp.”
Thank you again for your support of our ministry! If you have any questions, please contact us at or 402-944-2544.

TAGG: Together a Greater Good
TAGG partners with businesses who will donate a percentage of their sales to charities. When you choose a participating TAGG business, you can upload your receipt to the TAGG website and choose NLOM as the charity you’d like to support. There’s no cost for you to designate this donation!
Camp Wish List
The following is a list of needs for our Summer Camp Programs. Please consider making a gift by donating the funds to purchase one or more of these items.
Simply choose the item(s) that you wish to designate your gift toward and either give online or mail a note indicating your choices and payment to:
Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries
c/o Katie Holewinski
27416 Ranch Road,
Ashland, NE 68003.
$0 – $50
Lifeguard rescue pack – $20
Box fans – $20
White tube socks for campers (18 pairs) – $24
Headlamps for night camp (20) – $25
Fishing reels – $30
Archery arrows – $40
Lifeguard rescue tube – $40
Feed a camper for one week – $50
Friendo string – $50
Sponsor a camper at Sullivan Hills Camp – $50
$51 – $100
Roll of 100 stamps – $55
Hotdogs for one week – $55
Sno kones for a day – $60
Soft volleyballs (5) – $60
S’mores for one day – $70
Sharpies (10 boxes) – $78
$101 – $1,000
Pop for one week of Pop Stop – $140
Burgers for a cook-out meal – $225
Golf cart rental – $334
Kayaks (4) – $350 each
Sponsor a camper at Carol Joy Holling Camp – $420
Mulch for trails – $1,000
$1,001 +
Pop for an entire summer of Pop Stop – $1,120
Sponsor a Summer Ministry Team member- $3,600
Bat-wing mower – $11,000
Good condition vehicles – in-kind
Horse Program Wish List
Horse tack – $25
Horse riding helmets – $30
Care and feed for a horse for the summer – $1,300
If you have questions, please contact Katie Holewinski at or 402-944-2544.
The following are the returns and audited financial statements for Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries. If you have any questions, please contact Jason Gerdes, Executive Director at or 402-944-2544.
2023 NLOM Audited Financial Statement
2023 Completed 990 NLOM – Public Disclosure Copy
2023 Completed 990 NLOM Fndn – Public Disclosure Copy
Donor Privacy Policy
Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries respects the privacy of its donors and has put in place this Donor Privacy Policy to honor donor rights.
Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries collects and uses personal information such as: name, address, telephone number, gift information and email address when a donor voluntarily provides it to us. This information is kept on file for IRS purposes and is also used in our development and communication activities.
Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries does NOT sell, trade, or share its donor list with any other organization.
Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries subscribes to the Donor Bill of Rights.
Join us for our
Gala fundraiser