Camp Experience
Carol Joy Holling Camp
The Carol Joy Holling Camp experience provides campers the opportunity to try new activities, create a community of friends, develop social skills, build faith, and be physically active outdoors.

What you need to know about camp:
Weather Safety
We take weather safety VERY seriously. All sites have storm shelters and we monitor weather conditions carefully. We will notify parents when appropriate, so please do not call camp during a storm. We need to keep our phone lines open, and will be busy taking care of campers.
“We have a great relationship with our local authorities and they are very good at looking out for us and communicating with us regarding storm safety,” said Jason Gerdes, Executive Director. “Knowing that we can’t control the weather doesn’t stop us from trying to predict it, monitor it, and be extremely proactive in keeping our campers and staff safe in it.”
Carol Joy Holling Camp is also accredited through the American Camp Association, which has strict guidelines on weather related procedures.
“Weather threats are inevitable here in Nebraska summer months. We feel very strongly that the tools and systems we have in place are going to help us make sure campers are safe and parents are reassured,” Gerdes said.
For more information on summer camp weather safety, contact Bailey Neitzel, Summer Camp Director at or 402-944-2544.
Financial Aid
Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries provides financial assistance to help children attend camp through its Campership Program. The Campership Program ensures that any child who wants to attend camp has the opportunity. Please complete the online form below or call our Registrar, Sarah, at 402-944-2544. Payment plans are also available.
For more information please contact Sarah by email at or by phone at 402-944-2544.
Drop-off and Pick-up
Check-in time for all sessions is 3 – 4 p.m. Check-in will begin promptly at 3 p.m. Programming on each site begins promptly at 4 p.m., so if you will be arriving late, please call to let us know your estimated time of arrival.
All campers will check in at their individual site. We will have staff at the entrance to help guide you. Staff will also be on hand to help unload gear and get campers settled at each site. Health Care will be at each site to check in any medications your camper might have. All medications for youth and adults must be in the original container with the physician’s name on it.
At check-in, campers will deposit their spending money in the “Camp Bank” to spend at the camp store throughout the week.
Each session ends with a closing worship service and check-out instructions at 2 p.m. Families and friends are invited to this service. We will be done around 2:30 p.m., at which time you can go with your camper to their site to get their gear and sign out with the Site Coordinator. All campers must be signed out by an authorized person by 3 p.m.
Prior arrangements must be made with the Registrar if a child needs to leave before 2:30 p.m. on the last day of the session.
If someone other than a parent will be picking up your camper, you must provide that authorization to camp. You can do so in the following two ways: Simply include that information on the “authorized pick-up” portion of the registration, or download the form below, complete and send or bring to your camper’s check-in.
Camper Mail
Camper E-Mail
We encourage you to send your child e-mail throughout the week! It must be received by 9 a.m. for delivery that day. Our printer is black and white – no fancy art or forwardings, please.
Mail MUST be addressed to: and in the “subject” field be sure to put your child’s first and last name and their camp site. Campers will NOT be able to reply to e-mail while they are at camp.
Camper Snail Mail
You can also send your camper snail mail. Campers love getting mail, although they may not write to you as often as you wish! Do not send packages containing gum, candy, or food. Any such items will be held for the camper to pick up on closing day. Camper mail should be addressed to your camper at:
“Camper Name & Site”
Carol Joy Holling Camp
27416 Ranch Road
Ashland, NE 68003
We also have an in-camp mail box available when you bring your child to camp. You can drop mail in it and it will be delivered on Monday, or whatever day you indicate on the mail. In-camp mail doesn’t require any postage.
Health Care
When you register for camp, you will be asked for medical and insurance information for each camper. The registration is not valid until all information is received. We no longer have a separate Health History Form.
American Camp Association Standards require all prescription and non-prescription medications to be kept locked and dispensed only under the specific directions of a licensed physician. All medications for youth and adults must be in the original container with the physician’s name on it. The directions/dosage on the container is what we are required to follow. All medications must be turned in to Health Care staff at check-in. The only exceptions are medications for life-threatening conditions, which may be carried by the Group Leader after a discussion with our Health Care staff.
Illness or Accidents at Camp
Health Care staff are on duty at camp 24 hours a day. Records of all medications and first aid treatment are filed with the health care staff daily.
If there is an emergency or serious illness, parents will be notified by camp staff.
Family Communication
Recognizing that leaving your children anywhere for any amount of time can be very difficult and worrisome, we want to make this experience as anxiety and worry-free as possible for you.
First, know that your child’s safety and well-being is always our first priority. Receiving a near perfect score on the American Camping Association accreditation, we are confident in the safety procedures, practices and systems that we have in place.
Second, know that we take seriously our role in your child’s faith life. We are grateful that you have allowed us to be a part of your family through this experience.
Finally, because we know how hard it can be to disconnect from your children for any amount of time, we want to provide some insights into your child’s week. We will have Summer Ministry Team members dedicated to giving you a glimpse at what your child is doing at Carol Joy Holling Camp. These staff members will be in charge of putting photos online daily at Just click the “Daily Photos at CJH” link on the home page and enjoy!
If you have any questions about our Family Communications Program, please contact Dani Hatfield at or 402-944-2544.

Packing Lists
Click the button below for the site where your camper will be staying to view a packing list for that site.
Camp Store
Campers will have an opportunity to go to the Camp Store during their week at camp. The Camp Store carries items like camp t-shirts, water bottles, stuffed animals, jewelry, etc. We do not sell pop or candy during the week.
At check-in, campers will deposit their spending money in the “Camp Bank” to spend at the camp store throughout the week. Purchases will be deducted from their account and the balance refunded on the last day of the camp session.
A smaller “pop up” camp store will be open at Town Hall before and after Closing Program.